Our vision is to be a leading research and development organization in transport in Slovenia.
Our mission is to offer comprehensive R&D solutions in transport at the highest quality standards, creating a safe and positive work environment to encourage development and growth for our team, and making our business effective and profitable for the founders.
In our research and development work, we have a 100% commitment to customer satisfaction, innovation and complete professionalism. Furthermore, we uphold a culture of knowledge sharing, efficient technical and IT business support, teamwork, permanent education, personal growth and development, and continuous improvement.
Core activity
In the broadest terms, our work concerns research and development in transport with emphasis on rail. Specifically, we conduct research relating to transport technology, transport infrastructure and transport information systems, make out investment documentation and undertake economic research transport.
Strategic development policies:
- carry out strategic and R&D planning for all companies within SŽ Group and for rail transport sub-system,
- provide assistance in the project to introduce an integrated public transport system in the Republic of Slovenia,
- prepare and participate in multiannual European projects co-financed under Horizon 2020 initiatives, transnational cooperation programmes, SHIFT2RAIL and other,
- actively seek out and apply for national and international tenders in R&D; work closely with universities and institutes to share knowledge and improve our R&D work and also to learn how to effectively form consortiums for national and international tenders and calls,
- manage projects to obtain EU grants for various development projects within SŽ Group.
Strategic objectives
Our strategic objectives are manifested through our vision and mission, and comprise the following:
- generate knowledge within SŽ Group,
- work towards the recognition of our image on a global scale and become one of the R&D organisations recommended by UIC to their members, as well as take part in UIC projects and EU programmes,
- keep abreast with new developments focusing on investment planning and management,
- became a liaison between SŽ Group and national and European institutions in the field of legislation, development guidelines and trends,
- generate a net profit,
- maintain an annual revenue growth of approximately 3%,
- achieve revenue growth on international markets and on Slovenian market outside SŽ Group,
- ensure profitability in relation to the owner’s equity.
Our competitive edge will be achieved through:
- short response times;
- designing complete R&D solutions from identifying the customer’s problem, producing project ideas to the implementation of all project activities, including professional research and development work and presentation of research and project,
- conducting cross-disciplinary research into a particular R&D problem which involves disciplines such as transport technologies, civil engineering, IT, electrical engineering, economy, geography, infrastructure siting, and law,
- developing and managing own traffic related software in transport systems with a focus on rail,
- working closely with experts from various disciplines and making use of data and tools available within SŽ Group.
Our competitive advantage will be built on employee professional development, continuous learning system, project incentive schemes and on a continuous innovation process in R&D work, which will facilitate capturing and accumulating knowledge relating to transport and allow employee professional growth.