Prometni institut Ljubljana d.o.o. is a limited liability company which carries out research and development and produces pre-investment studies and investment programmes. The company was founded by Slovenian Railways (Slovenske železnice, d.o.o.)
Our main activities
conduct research into transport economics, traffic planning and marketing;
R&D in rail transport technology;
R&D in rail infrastructure;
produce pre-investment studies and investment documents;
offer IT support in project management and develop software;
consultancy and expert assistance at national and international level;
cooperation with universities and other organisations, both national and international;
education-related work: hold seminars, technical meetings and symposiums;
assist expert bodies in their work for the needs of founder Slovenian Railways and other national organisations;
within project development the company maintains a modern environment for development, carries out hardware upgrades and software updates, and use specialised tools such as ArcGis, Railsys, PTV Vision, @Risk etc.
Our main activities
PROMETNI INSTITUT LJUBLJANA d.o.o. za področje raziskovalne in informativne dejavnosti ter izdelavo predinvesticijskih in investicijskih programov, Ljubljana, Kolodvorska 11
[PROMETNI INSTITUT LJUBLJANA d.o.o., a company for research and development and production of pre-investment documents and investment programmes, Ljubljana, Kolodvorska 11]
Peter Verlič, Ph. D., Director
Kolodvorska 11
SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 (1) 29 14 626
Vat number
SI 34722645