
Institute of Traffic and Transport Ljubljana

Leading research and development organisation in transport in Slovenia.

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Recent international projects
Past international projects


PIL delivers transport-related research and development projects, focused on rail. We develop and conduct research into transport technology, transport infrastructure, smart IT systems and technologies, and carry out economic studies and investment documentation.



Prometna tehnologija in infrastruktura

Transport technology and infrastructure

Transport studies in rail and road transport (infrastructure capacity analyses, optimisation of technological process, transport organisation and traffic management etc.). Elaboration of civil engineering documents, practical application of UIC technologies, traffic monitoring, optimisation of transport infrastructure maintenance, development of geospatial solutions, GIS.


Research in transport economics and law

Analyses of traffic management and organizational and marketing characteristics; transport flow analyses and estimates, technical background document for future traffic management and organization, analyses of economic efficiency in transport, applied research in transport.

Investicijska infrastruktura

Investment documentation

Investment documents relating to transport and utility infrastructure, healthcare and welfare, methodology serving as the basis for investment documents and investment project evaluation, expert opinions, reviews.

Informatika in digitalizacija v prometu

IT and digitalisation in transport

Design and computerization of management systems, IT support to traffic management and technical systems, complex analyses and database processing, technical solutions applied to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), new technologies and the digitalisation of transport, infrastructure and rolling stock.

Mednarodno sodelovanje

International cooperation

Cooperation, membership and involvement – either independently or through the controlling company, Slovenske železnice – in international organisations such as International Union of Railways (UIC), European public-private partnership for rail research and innovation (Shift2Rail/EUROPE'S RAIL), and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER). Coordinating and co-founding the international initiative to support rail and transport research and innovation in Southeast Europe (SEESARI). Participating with foreign partners in international projects under programmes such as Horizon Europe, Shift2Rail/EUROPE'S RAIL, Interreg, Alpine Space, Central Europe, Mediterranean, ADRION and other. International cooperation with universities, institutes, railways, regional and other international organisations in transport R&D.
